Thursday, March 24, 2011

Daddy & Me Daycare -- final day begins

Stay tuned for the Ya-Ya photo shoot.....

Friday, September 24, 2010

Making Friday night plans



Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The (Ya Ya) boys are back in town

(You'd think we planned to dress alike...)

Wartburg College "Knights in Training"
(OK... so Cayden was already here before Caleb got dressed...)
We even attended Wartburg Outfly
in Manchester this summer with our moms!

Going out



blogging boys on a rainy day

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Another sporadic update from Daddy & Me Daycare...
a sign that the weather is nice, and that we've been busy playing!

But if it weren't for these updates,
I (Jon) don't think I'd notice how much the kids have grown!!

lunchtime with "the Crazy 7"

It's time for art!

Caleb and Cayden taking a walk with Mara

buddies ...
(watch out Evan, looks like Caleb has his eyes on "my Annie"


taking a break from the swimming pool...
the creative side of the Ya Ya "twins"